Your Comprehensive Student Educational Plan (CSEP) helps you figure out which classes you need to complete in order to meet your academic goals. Your CSEP will also determine how long it will take you to graduate and/or transfer to a UC or CSU. Use this online service to request your CSEP today!


Received your CSEP but still have questions?  Reply directly to your notification email for answers! 

Haven't submitted an online CSEP request but would like to ask general questions? Speak to a counselor in Drop-in Counseling.

Submit Your Online Comprehensive Educational Plan Request

General Students

Our online counselors will reply to requests Monday – Friday based on counselor availability.

  • Generally, we reply within 5-8 business days.
  • During peak registration periods, we will close this form to focus on helping students with registration. 

If your situation is time sensitive, please make a counseling appointment.

Submit Your Online CSEP Request

Special Programs

If you are a participant in a special program, please visit your program's website to identify how to connect with your program counselor(s). 

Get More Information

To learn about the different Associate Degree and Certificate options, read our degree and certificate requirements.

If you want to transfer to a UC or CSU, follow the IGETC GE for general education requirements.

If you want to transfer only to a CSU, follow the CSU GE for general education requirements.

Use to look up major requirements for transferring to a UC or CSU. Use our Tutorial for screenshots to help you in using the website.

With so many options, deciding which UC or CSU to transfer to can be hard. Connect with a Counselor or visit the Transfer Center to meet with an advisor or University Rep who can help you make the choice! 

You may view your CSEP in LancerPlan in LancerPoint. For step by step visual, go to How to View Your Comprehensive Student Educational Plan (CSEP) in LancerPoint.

Frequently Asked Questions

To find out which classes you need to meet your academic goals and how long it will take to graduate or transfer to a UC or CSU.

Your program prefers to help you develop your educational plan. Please connect with your program to make an educational plan counseling appointment.  

If you submit an online CSEP request, we will refer you to your program counselor.  

You may submit 1 online CSEP request per semester.

Once your online CSEP is complete, we will email you at your PCC email.  Then you can check your educational plan in LancerPlan (in LancerPoint).

If you have limited academic history, the counselor may want you to get acquainted with the unit load before planning a full comprehensive ed plan. 

If you are currently on warning (formerly probation), the counselor may want you to improve your GPA first and then reassess after, before increasing your units load.

If you prefer a part-time student status, your CSEP will be much longer and it may not be accurate as requirements change over time or you may wish to take more classes later.  For this reason, it is best to plan for 1 year and then reassess at that time.

If you do not meet the criteria to receive an online CSEP, your request will be too difficult to complete without your input in a conversation setting.  In these situations, our online counselor may offer you a counseling appointment referral so you may speak with a counselor about your educational plan in detail. 

We will always notify you about the status of your request and give you options to get assistance.  

You do not need another CSEP unless it is required (example: needed for financial aid SAP appeal). If you could not enroll in your planned classes, you may select classes  from another term on your CSEP. As long as you qualify for the class and meet the prerequisite (s), you may move the classes around in your CSEP.