Accommodations for Pregnant and Parenting Students
Students experiencing pregnancy and related conditions (e.g. childbirth, termination of pregnancy, etc.) have rights, including access to reasonable academic accommodations (e.g. make up work missed, excused absences, alternative assignments, etc.) and physical adjustments (e.g. larger desk, note taker).
Megan Staudenraus, Title IX Coordinator, Investigator Manager
Location: D-108A
Pregnant and Parenting Accommodation Request Form
More information
Basic Needs (Housing, Food, Transportation, etc.)
PCC's Lancer Care Center offers housing resources, clothing, food resources, transportation assistance, emergency funds, and more.
Sesley Lewis, Director of Student Basic Needs
General Contact:
Location: L-108A
CalWORKS Program
PCC CalWORKs is a state-funded Welfare-to-Work program designed to help parenting students on public assistance become self-sufficient. CalWORKs students are county cash-aid recipients with children under 18 years old and are provided access to priority registration, counseling, work-study opportunities, advocacy and resource referral, and direct support (e.g. books, transportation funds, supplies, child care), and more.
Ingrid Arana, Counselor
Location: L-107
Child Development Center
The PCC Child Development Center serves PCC students and staff, as well as the greater community. They provide education and care for children, ages 4 months through 5 year.
Brenda Trejo, Director of the Child Development Center
Location: 1324 E. Green Street Pasadena, CA. 91106
Disability-related Accommodations for Pregnant and Parenting Students
Students who experience physical complications or mental health challenges as a result of or in conjunction with their pregnancy, or a pregnancy-related condition, may be eligible for additional support and accommodations through the Lancer Accessibility Resource Services (LARS) Office.
Ricardo Castillo, Teacher Specialist, Assistant Professor
Location: D-209
Emergency Aid
This program through Lancer Care is designed to help students experiencing a financial crisis due to unforeseen circumstances related to food, housing, transportation, and other basic needs challenges. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in at least 6 units, must be in good academic standing, must have a FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application on file with the Office of Financial Aid, and have unmet need in their current financial aid package.
Sesley Lewis, Director of Student Basic Needs
General Contact:
Location: L-108A
Academic and Financial Support - EOP&S – CARE
EOP&S (Extended Opportunities Programs and Services) is a statewide categorically funded program providing comprehensive academic and college related financial support to students who are educationally disadvantaged (1st Generation, non HS grad or English Language Learner) and meet our income eligibility guidelines.
CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education) also a statewide categorically funded program within EOPS. CARE participants are single parents receiving cash aid (TANF/CalWORKs/GAIN) with at least one child under the age of 18. CARE participants receive academic/career and personal counseling, workshops addressing issues impacting single parenting families, advocacy on campus and local community agencies and financial grants.
Laura Araiza-Rojas, EOPS/CARE Counselor/Coordinator
Location: L-107
Family Friendly Restrooms with Changing Tables
A family-friendly restroom with a changing table is available in the R building on the 1st floor.
Financial Aid
If you are supporting your child on your own, or if a child will increase the number of people in your household, you may be eligible for additional Financial Aid.
David Hull, Director of Financial Aid
Location: L-114
Free Menstrual Products
Free menstrual products are available in each women’s restroom and in each all-gender restroom on campus. In addition, students can access free menstrual products at Student Health Services, the Pride Center, and Lancer Care.
Jobs and Paid Internships: The Freeman Career Center
Get more information about paid internships meant to enhance or complement the knowledge you have gained in a class or program of study, and how to also earn academic credit by enrolling into an internship course.
Location: IT-200
(626) 585-3377
Emilia Ovasapyan, Career Advisor
Isabel Ochoa, Internship Developer
More information
Jobs on Campus
It’s recommended that you visit departments on campus directly and ask if they are hiring hourly student workers. Some departments where students have worked in the past include the Success Centers, Campus Bookstore, Pathways First Year Experience (FYE) Center, International Student Center, Science Village, Pathways JAM, PCC Police Department, Lancer Pantry, and the Library. PCC's Human Resources page regularly posts and updates all hourly positions here:
Stephanie Klein, Human Resources Assistant
(626) 585-7509
Location: C-204
Lactation Rooms
Lactating parents have the right to feed or pump in any place they are otherwise allowed to be, both private and public. For employees and student’s convenience, there are several private spaces dedicated for lactation purposes.
Locations: C-348, CC-231 (Family Resource Center), D-105 (Student Health Services) – Campus Map
If you need access to an additional location to lactate, or if you need a lactation accommodation, please contact: Megan Staudenraus, Title IX Coordinator, Investigator Manager at 626-585-7375 or
Mental Health
Mental Health & Wellness offers emotional support in the form of short-term individual therapy to currently enrolled PCC students.
Location D-203
Physical & Reproductive Wellness
Student Health Services offers a range of free or low-cost services health to all currently enrolled and attending PCC students. Services pertaining to reproductive health include but are not limited to birth control, well woman exam, pregnancy testing, Plan B, and basic sexual reproductive health visits.
(626) 585-7244
Location: D-105
Priority Registration for Parenting Students
PCC supports parenting students, in accordance with the Education Code, by offering
priority registration for students who are parents of children under the age of 18.
To gain access to priority registration or for questions, please contact your academic
advisor or counselor.
Priority Registration Request
Priority registration is available to:
- Student parents who have a child who receives more than half of their support/care from you, including physically living in the same household.
- Students who are pregnant or have partners who are expecting, especially if the due date occurs before or during the next academic year.
To request Priority Registration, complete our online request form.
Students can apply for scholarships year-round. However, general scholarships are available during the fall semester and Academic Departments and Divisions offer scholarships during the spring semester. Smaller pools of scholarship funds may be available during Winter Intersession and Summer, contingent upon funding. Students can also find virtual scholarship workshops, schedule appointments for application help, or watch a workshop video at the Foundation website. Generally speaking, the Fall Cycle will open in Mid-July and close in Mid-October; and the Spring Cycle will open on the first day of Spring Classes and close on the Friday before Spring Break begins.
Kristin McPeak
(626) 585-7078
Location: Child Development Center (2nd Floor) 1324 E. Green St. Pasadena, CA 91106
Parent Education Program
PCC’s Noncredit Division offers free parent education courses taught by certified instructors covering a range of topics including nutrition, developmental stages, language acquisition, and more. More information about courses available and how to enroll is available on the Noncredit website: Talk to admissions to register at 626-585-3036 or
Community Resources
The following resources are offered by off-campus programs that are not affiliated nor endorsed by PCC. Please contact them directly for updated information on eligibility.
Food Resources
The CalFresh Program (formerly known as Food Stamps) helps low-income households increase
their food-buying power to meet their household's nutritional needs. CalFresh benefits
issued through Electronic Benefit Transfer, also known as EBT card, can be used in
grocery stores and participating Farmers Markets. CalFresh is based on income and
is open to children, U.S. citizens, and certain non-citizens. To help you determine
whether you are eligible, consult this webpage (scroll to bottom) and/or contact...
Apply here
Summer Meals for Kids
California Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
WIC promotes the health of pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding people, infants, and children up to age 5 by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating including breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to health care.
WIC can provide:
- A WIC EBT card to purchase special healthy foods - like fruits & vegetables, milk, juice, eggs, cheese, cereal, whole grains, dry beans or peas, and peanut butter - information about nutrition to help you and your family eat well and be healthy
- Information and help about breastfeeding
- Help in finding health care and other services in your area
Eligibility: You may qualify if you receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs (TANF) or CalFresh (SNAP) benefits. WIC welcomes military families, migrant families, fathers, foster parents and legal guardians with eligible children. Participating in the WIC program does not affect the immigration status of anyone currently in the U.S. Use the WIC eligibility assessment tool to see if you qualify.
Set up an appointment at a WIC local agency near you! Visit WIC families to find a WIC local agency site near you.
Financial Resources
California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC)
If you work and have low income, you may qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC). This credit gives you a refund or reduces your tax owed. If you qualify for CalEITC and have a child under the age of 6, you may also qualify for the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC) (see below). Together, these state credits can put hundreds or even thousands of dollars in your pocket. Filing your state tax return is required to claim both of these credits.
Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)
Do you have a child under the age of 6?
If you qualify for CalEITC (see above) and have a child under the age of 6, you may also qualify for a refundable tax credit of up to $1000 through the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)! If you qualify, you may see a reduced tax bill or a bigger refund. Use this calculator to see if you qualify and estimate the amount of your credit.
Legal Resources
Neighborhood Legal Services Los Angeles
Legal Aid Foundation Los Angeles
(800) 399-4529