From PCC to Teaching: Requirements and Pathway Info
Is Teaching for You?
Teaching can be a wonderful and fulfilling profession where you get to work with students to inspire a lifelong love of learning, make a positive difference in a community, collaborate with other educators, and change the future of education.
As a teacher you will assume a wide range of roles to educate your students and support student success. As with any career, there is not a simple formula to what qualities make a "good teacher," however, some of the attributes that help make for an effective teacher include:
- Passion for working with youth and communities
- Ability to communicate and relate well to people
- Willingness to meet the needs of all students across diverse populations
- Knowledge of subject(s) that one is teaching
- Ability to implement critical-thinking and problem-solving skills in the classroom
- Willingness to grow and seek opportunities to continuously improve throughout one’s career
- Creativity and passion for learning
Types of K-12 Teaching Credentials and Requirements
Ready to begin the road to becoming a teacher? Use the information below to become informed of the credential and education requirements to hold various teaching positions in California.
You can also find more detailed descriptions of what is required to become a teacher on the California Commission for Teacher Credentialing website.

Multiple-Subject Credential for Elementary Teachers
For instruction in multiple subjects as commonly taught in California elementary schools. The Multiple Subject Teaching Credential authorizes its holder to teach all areas of curriculum for grades K – 8 in a self-contained classroom.

Single-Subject Credential for Middle School and High School Teachers
Authorizes holders to teach specific subject(s) subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes, such as those in most middle schools and high schools, in grades preschool, K–12, or in classes organized primarily for adults.

Education Specialist Credential Information for Special Education Teachers:
Authorizes holders to teach in disability areas of specialization in Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Moderate/Severe Disabilities, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Visual Impairments, Physical and Health Impairments, or Early Childhood Special Education. Holders of this credential can teach in a variety of settings including general education settings, resource rooms, development centers, among others.