1570 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106
- HRgeneral@pasadena.edu
- (626) 585-7388
- (626) 585-7924
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pmContact Your HR Assignee (employees only)
Locate your department/area in the table below to determine who to contact in Human Resources.
Assignee | Department/Area |
Lola Ali iali@pasadena.edu (626) 585-7505 |
Corey Rojo crojo3@pasadena.edu (626) 585-7507 |
Miguel Saucedo msaucedo1@pasadena.edu (626) 585-7317 |
Stephanie Klein |
Lori Cortez |
Adjuncts for all departments and divisions. |
Employment Verifications
All requests for verifications of employment must be emailed to hrgeneral@pasadena.edu and include the signed release form. Please note that it is against District policy to verbally verify employment. All requests, including re-verification, must be in writing and emailed to hrgeneral@pasadena.edu