Spring 2024

We are excited to offer Workshops and Support Groups in a variety of subjects and topics. Our Support Groups offer students a space and time to work together and support each other’s learning while a faculty member is present for support, while our Workshops are designed to enhance basic skills, explore careers, and have fun with math.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact us at msc@pasadena.edu or (626) 585-7458. You can also visit our Canvas home page.

Support Groups

This semester we will host Math Support Groups throughout various centers on campus. Sign up for in-person here, or attend remotely at the time of the support group here.



V202 @ 11AM 

SLAM (STAT050 & Math015

Tuesdays: 2/27, 3/05, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, 4/09, 4/30

V202 @ 4PM

STEM (Math003 - Math05A)

Wednesdays: 2/28, 3/06, (No STEM 3/13), 3/20, 3/27, 4/03, 4/10, 4/24, 5/01


In-person Workshops will be held in person and remotely from 12:30PM-1:30PM, Fridays. Sign up for in-person here, or attend remotely at the time of the support group here. Check the Calendar at the bottom of this page for details.

Date Workshop Title Room #
3/08 STATS: Frequency Distributions & Visualizing Data R318
3/22 STATS: Probability R318
3/27 (WED) STATS: Binomial Distribution R318
4/05 STATS: Normal Distribution R318
4/12 STATS: Confidence Intervals R318
5/03 STATS: Hypothesis Testing R318
5/10 STATS: Hypothesis Testing 2-Populations R318

Dialy Schedule and Topics

Click on a topic name below for more information on the event/workshop and how to attend.