Speech Communications Faculty
Arntson, Jay
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857533
- jarntson@pasadena.edu
- CA-342
Axibal-Cordero, Allan Luis
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857097
- aaxibalcordero@pasadena.edu
- C109A
Black, Sarah
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- sjblack@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Bradshaw, Stacy
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- sbradshaw3@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Broady, Brianna
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5853304
- bbroady@pasadena.edu
- CA202-A
Carter, Hannah
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- hcarter@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Chodos, Daniel
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- dxchodos@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Constantine, Beville
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- bconstantine@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Delesante, Patricia
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857500
- pdelesante@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Dunbar, Beverley
Associate Professor
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857591
- bdunbar@pasadena.edu
- C342
Farschman, Kurt
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- kvfarschman@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Galindo, Natalie
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857577
- ngalindo3@pasadena.edu
- CA202-A
Haley, Kristen
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- kmhaley@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Harrell-Sims, Jamille
Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- jharrellsims@pasadena.edu
- VA119
Jones, Casey
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- cjones21@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Karlsen, Thomas
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- tokarlsen@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Kennelley, Erika
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- ekennelley@pasadena.edu
- C119
Kwon, Young
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- ykwon8@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Lamonda, Caroline
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- cxlamonda@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Liedtke, Cal
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- cxliedtke@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Lohse, Jenna
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- jlohse@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Machen, David
Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5853129
- dmachen@pasadena.edu
- CA226-A
Marquez, Jessica
- Performing/Communication Arts
- jmarquez70@pasadena.edu
- CA 226
Massie, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- scmassie@pasadena.edu
- CA119
McClure, Dawne
Assistant Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857588
- dmcclure@pasadena.edu
- C-108
Nahabedian, Steven
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- snahabedian@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Phu, Cindy
Associate Professor
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857476
- cnphu@pasadena.edu
- CA202-A
Rodriguez, Carmen
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857286
- cbrodriguez@pasadena.edu
- RMD122-B
Sandoval, Jordan
- Performing/Communication Arts
- jsandoval140@pasadena.edu
- NW 108 A
Solorzano, Diana
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857216
- dsolorzano3@pasadena.edu
- C119
Storla, Kari
- Performing/Communication Arts
- kstorla@pasadena.edu
- CA119
Wang, Sarina
Adjunct Faculty
- Performing/Communication Arts
- swang188@pasadena.edu
- CA 119
Whitworth, Mark
- Performing/Communication Arts
- 626 5857671
- mtwhitworth@pasadena.edu
- V216D
Wood, Teryl
Adjunct Faculty
- Social Sciences
- 626 5857248
- tbasinger1@pasadena.edu
- C321
Faculty Bios

Allan Axibal-Cordero
I don’t remember much about kindergarten except that on my very first day, when the teacher introduced me to the entire class – I threw up on myself. Since then, the first day of all of my classes (even the ones I teach) make me nervous. I don’t throw up anymore, though.
Speaking of food, I did go through a binge eating disorder during the pandemic. It was very painful, emotionally and physically. But after dozens of challenging conversations with a talented therapist, I unearthed issues of control, perfectionism, and self-deprecation that, while useful in trying to pursue a national championship title in public speaking, did cause me some latent harm over the long-run.
So, yeah, I can teach you speech communication. And I’d do a really good job at it, too. But if you also want to talk to someone, about nutrition, mental health, acting, comedy, raising children, Fermi’s paradox, interstellar travel, sustaining a marriage, fixing a house, motivational leadership, weight training, running, or the PCC speech and debate team…
Then take a class of mine. Or stop by my office.
I don’t promise to have all the answers. Just meaningful conversation.

Brianna Broady
Hello there everyone! My name is Brianna Broady (She/Her/Hers) and I am so happy that you have chosen to explore Speech Communication. I am one of the coaches of our Speech and Debate Team as well as a faculty lead for our Career Community of Arts, Communication and Design. Some of the courses that I teach include, Speech 004, Speech 13, Speech 001 and College 1. I am a former Matador, graduating with my B.A in Communication Studies and minor in Africana Studies as well as my Masters in Communication Studies from California State University Northridge.
Speech and Debate changed my life and helped me get to where I am today. I strongly recommend getting involved with campus in some way during your time here, it is a great way to build your network and make life-long friends! I always knew that I loved helping people but didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do for a long time. The minute I entered graduate school and I had the opportunity to teach my very own class, I was hooked on teaching! I love helping students grow and push themselves in ways they never imagined. No matter where you are in your journey here at PCC, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need any guidance and I will help you find that resource!

Daniel Chodos
I‘ve been teaching at PCC since 1994, first Acting fundamentals, and now, Speech 1. I was an actor, dialogue coach and writer in Hollywood, working on a wide variety of shows, including "Welcome Back, Kotter” (ABC) and “Hunter” (NBC). But teaching is what I’ve always loved and done best. I have another job as a Jewish Cantor, but… that’s a whole other story. I’m on my bicycle just about every day; been riding all my life, and it’s all the exercise I get. My wife and I live in a high place — anywhere I go, I’ve gotta contend with the uphill home. In the long run, it’s worth it!

Beville Constantine
I was born and raised in Trinidad & Tobago, two islands in the Caribbean so I am very used to the beautiful weather in Southern California. In addition to my current position as an Adjunct Professor of Speech Communication at Pasadena City College, I am proud to work as a middle school, high school, and community college educator for the past 15 years. I hold a bachelor's in Organizational Communication & Public Relations, and a master's degree in Communication Studies from California State University, Los Angeles. I have extensive experience providing individual counseling to students, and I enjoy working with diverse student populations, including first-generation college students. In addition to working as an instructor, I participate in shared governance at Pasadena City College while serving as an Academic Senator within the PCC Academic Senate and was elected as the PCC Faculty Association Part Time Vice President. As an international educator, I enjoy visiting family in Trinidad & Tobago and play soccer as often as possible.

Josh Fleming
I have been a part of the Lancer Community full time since 2008. I’m a former Director of Forensics for PCC’s nationally recognized Speech & Debate team where I served and coached for 8 years. I also teach in our Performing and Communication Arts Division’s Theatre Department where I occasionally teach Beginning Acting (THRT 2a), Script Analysis (THRT 9), and various workshop and mainstage productions (TRT 28 & 29). I have had the pleasure of being the Speech Dept coordinator for 5 years prior to becoming the current Dept Chair of Speech, Theatre, and Dance. My passion in education has always been about exploring the relationship between art & literature with performance & communication. When I’m not nerding out over that I enjoy all types of human activities like hiking, camping, and the outdoors, movies and theatre, and cooking.
Community college changed my life. When I realized I wanted to be an educator more than I wanted to be a performer I also knew I wanted to put my passion back in to the CC experience. My hope is that taking a course in our department will also help you find your passion as well.

Natalie Galindo
Hi everyone! My name is Natalie Galindo (she/her/hers) and I am a proud Latina who has had the privilege of teaching here at PCC since 2015. Many moons ago I graduated from Cal State LA with both my Bachelors and Masters degrees. With the help of some amazing faculty there I found my passion for teaching at the college level. Every semester I grow to be a better teacher by learning so much from my students. Here at PCC, I wear many hats as a faculty lead for our Arts,Communication and Design Career Community as well as teaching a Puente Speech 001 Course. In addition to teaching, I am a mother of three and although life is sometimes hectic, I wouldn’t change a single moment of it. A couple of fun facts about myself, I’ve been hit by lightning and have been bitten by a black widow. What are the chances right? I am still waiting for my superpowers to present themselves and really become a super professor!

Jamille Harrell-Sims
I am Dr. Jamille Harrell-Sims. I am affectionately called Dr. J! I love the Speech
department. We rock! My favorite classes are Speech 1 and Speech 10, Interpersonal
Communication. Let me tell you why! When I am not teaching, I am healing others! I
am a Clinical Herbalist, Holistic Life Coach, activist and I do community work through
my nonprofit. The loudest sound in the room is silence, and the greatest weapon you
have is your voice! I love music, hiking, nature and anywhere there is water. I keep
it real and I am as down to earth as you are going to get. I am the Ujima Speech Instructor
and a part of CORE. If you are choosing speech as your major, you are making a great
decision. One cannot, not communicate!

David Machen
UCLA, BA in Sociology
CSU Los Angeles, MA in Communication Studies
I began my higher education journey at a Community College, just like you! I actually went to Glendale CC but never earned a degree; I just transferred as a junior to UCLA. I had an interest in many subjects but Sociology was most desirable at the time. After earning my Bachelor’s degree, I started working at PCC as a Speech Tutor in 2010.
After working in the Speech Department for a few years and really enjoying my time working with students, my colleagues and I discussed my going back to school to become a professor! I went to CSULA to obtain my Master’s in Communication Studies in order to teach at the Community College level. I graduated in 2015 and started teaching part-time at PCC and CSULA and was eventually hired full-time here in 2017! I’ve been working here in some capacity for 10 years now and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it! My students and colleagues have been a blessing to work with and I’m truly lucky to be here. When I’m not working, I spend my time with my wife and two girls. We love to be outside, hiking, camping, exercising and we love to travel!

Sandra Massie
Sandra Massie trained as a classical actress at LAMDA, and has an M.A. in theater from California State University Los Angeles, an M.A. in Clinical Psychology and Drama Therapy, and an M.F.A. from California State University. As an actress, she has performed at Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, various Off Broadway productions, and in a one woman show called Virtuosa Off Broadway. Some of her directing credits include the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Pasadena City College, Long Beach City College, and California State University Long Beach. Some of the plays she has directed at Pasadena City College are Summer and Smoke, You Can’t Take It With You, and various one acts such as Almost Maine, and Months on End. In addition to performing, she has taught voice, speech, dialects, theater history, and acting over the past 40 years, and is an expert instructor in dialects and accent reduction. She currently teaches at Pasadena City College, the American Academy of Drama in L.A., and has a private practice in voice, speech, and dialects in Los Angeles, and coaches performers in film, television, and theater, and continues to perform. She is currently certified as a Level I practitioner in the Martin & De Haas Breathing Coordination technique.

Cindy Phu
Cindy Phu, Ed.D (she/her/hers) is a tenured Assistant Professor of Speech Communication in the department of Performing/Communication Arts at Pasadena City College. I have served as the PCC Director of Forensic (Speech and Debate) and PCC Coordinator of the Speech Tutoring/Learning Center. In the past 14 years, I have taught courses on gender communication, interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, argumentation and debate, propaganda and persuasion, public speaking, and communication studies theory. When I’m not teaching, I can be found negotiating with my tenacious toddler.
As first-generation college graduate with Chinese-Vietnamese refugee immigrant parents, I was the first of my family to attain an undergraduate, masters, and doctoral degrees. I started a doctoral program at CSUN my child was only four-months-old, and this personal experience sparked my research interest in journey of mothering-students of color at the community college. My current research interest continues to use critical race theory, intersectionality, and healing-centered engagement. I have remained active in my advocacy for parenting students through conference presentations, workshops trainings, and publications. I currently serve on the “Women of Color Leadership” taskforce steering committee for the International Association of Maternal Action and Scholarship (IAMAS) and am one of the advisors for the Lancer Parents United parenting club.

Carmen Rodriguez
Hello! My name is Carmen; I've been a speech instructor at PCC for nearly 10 years. I graduated from Cal State LA in 2007 with my graduate degree in Communication Studies. I've also taught at Rio Hondo, Mt. SAC and Cerritos College.
I am a first generation Mexicana. My parents are from Mexico so I'm fluent in Spanish and I love my culture! Fun fact about me--I know the alphabet in 4 languages--Spanish, English, Greek and ASL (American Sign Language).
I believe Speech class is one of the most important classes you can ever take because we communicate ALL the time! If you're teachable and open to learning, you can accomplish anything! <3

Kari Storla, PhD (she/her)
Instructor, Speech
Performing & Communication Arts
Hi everyone! I’m Kari Storla (she/her). I’m originally from outside Atlanta, GA where I earned my B.A. in Speech from Georgia State University before moving to California to get my PhD in Communication from USC. I fell in love with teaching in grad school and taught at a variety of colleges in the LA area before finding a home at PCC in 2022. I teach many of our dual enrollment classes, so you can find me at local high schools teaching our Speech courses there. I love working with students and seeing just how much they can accomplish! Some of the classes that I teach are Spch 001, Spch 006, and Spch 010.
Outside of teaching, I love playing video games (especially RPGs and action/adventure games), baking, and sewing. I’m also learning how to garden and have a few dozen house plants.