Veterans at PCC Need Your Help!

We are looking for volunteer tutors in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Life Sciences, English and Business Courses in all academic levels! Particular needs include Study Skills Development and Test Preparation!

About the Volunteer Mentoring Program at PCC Veterans Resource Center

Volunteers are mobilizing to mentor and support Veterans enrolled at Pasadena City College (PCC) in Engineering, Sciences, Business and Medical professions. Many of the Veterans would appreciate a little extra help to prepare themselves for their civilian careers. Existing tutoring programs at PCC can’t meet all their needs. Can you help? Just a few hours a week would provide a huge boost to our veterans!


Provide one-on-one tutoring sessions with self-identified students. 


We are ready for you and need you as soon as possible!


Veterans Resource Center, PCC, W-108 or individually arranged location.


Timing to be arranged between the Tutor and Student.

Get started and become a tutor!

Call or email the volunteer tutoring lead, Joseph Amador or (626) 585-7226 x4. Be sure to include information about what time you're available and what discipline you're interested in tutoring.