The professor and director of the Center for Race and Equity at the USC Rossier School of Education will wish students well June 15, 2018.
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Seven LA County college promise programs will work together to share resources and ideas to improve students' education outcomes.
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Police and College Safety are in the process of preparing to conduct an Active Shooter training drill on May 2, 2018, at all Pasadena City College campuses
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A new partnership with hotel operator Singpoli Group gave 14 students the skills to run a boutique hotel.
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Pasadena City College is refocusing its tuition-free program known as the PCC Promise in 2018.
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The college's 2016-17 annual report to the community has been released.
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The college has named Salvatrice Cummo as executive director of economic workforce and development, PCC's liaison to the business community.
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Beginning Wednesday, October 25. Black Minds Matter is a free public course designed to raise the national consciousness about issues facing Black boys and men in education. The course will intentionally draw linkages between the pervasive undervaluing and criminalization of Black boys and men in society and how those same patterns are evident in school, college, and university settings.
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