The Student Voice Matters

This year, a new law went in place called Assembly Bill (AB) 1504 "Student Representation Fee" of $2.00 that you will see when enrolling in future terms, starting with Summer/Fall 2020. 

Why is this in place?

The Student Voice is Important. As a matter of fact, at PCC, we have historically charged students $1.00 to support legislative advocacy activities to ensure the student voice is heard at local, state and federal levels.

This new law directs funding to the Student Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC) and they help fund student representatives traveling to our state and national capitol in Sacramento or Washington D.C. to be a voice for students with lawmakers to advocate for things like adequate financial support for tuition and services. This advocacy is occurring even as we are impacted by COVID-19 which has led to the use of the Pass/No Pass, Emergency Withdrawal options. The Student Voice Matters.

The $2.00 Student Representation Fee is optional, and again the fee is designed to provide support for student government representing positions & viewpoints to government representatives.

This fee is optional and you can choose to opt-out by completing our online form