IN CASE OF LIVE OR LIMB THREATENING INJURY - DIAL 911 Minor and non-life-threatening injuries should be reported to Company Nurse prior to leaving the job site.

In Case of Workplace Injury

Call (855) 339-1897 | Available 24 Hrs /7 Days


  1. Notify your supervisor and call COMPANY NURSE at (855) 339-1897.


  3. The representative will ask for your contact information and the details of your injury incident.

  4. The representative will direct you to treatment at a designated urgent care location. If your injury does not require immediate treatment, the representative will give you first aid instructions for self-care.

  5. Notify your supervisor if you are directed to go to an urgent care facility or home for self-care.

  6. Risk Management will receive a report from Company Nurse and contact you to help with your worker’s comp claim.

  7. In case of life or limb-threatening injury, contact Campus Police or Call 911.
  1. Supervisors should assist the employee as needed, including calling Company Nurse if the employee cannot do so for themselves .

  2. In case of life or limb-threatening injury, contact Campus Police or Call 911.

  3. Contact Risk Management Services and report the employee’s injury.

  4. Complete a Supervisor’s Statement and forward it to Risk Management.

Company Nurse is an occupational injury triage service PCC has engaged to receive work-related injuries and illness reports. The Company Nurse Injury Care Coordinator will assess the employee's condition and make referrals for medical care at home or an urgent care location. Company Nurse is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For inquiries regarding Company Nurse, contact Risk Management at (626) 585-7177.

Employer Name Pasadena Area Community College District
Search Code PACCD