What to Expect in College 1
College 1 Assignments
During the College 1 course, you will complete several different kinds of assignments including group projects, reading response journals, and research for the poster conference project. Additional assignments may be included by individual instructors. Many assignments are submitted in Canvas, so make sure to become familiar with how to use this learning tool.

Annual Poster Conference
As part of College 1, you will work with a team to create a research poster. As teams, you will present your research during the campus-wide Pathways Student Conference. This is an important opportunity for you to showcase your learning in College 1 for others to see.
College 1 on Canvas
In College 1, you will use Canvas, PCC’s Learning Management System. This online platform is a place where your instructor will provide useful information, ask you to submit assignments, record your grades for you to track, and communicate with you through messages and announcements. It is important that you feel comfortable using Canvas. Please visit your tutor in the Pathways Center in V-102 or success coach if you need help using Canvas. There are also lots of useful resources on the PCC website.
Frequently Asked Questions
College 1 is a required component of the Pathways program. Students who take a first year seminar such as College 1 have higher success rates in completing their academic goals. Succeeding in your first year of college is a high indicator that you will do well and persist toward your academic goals.
College 1 has been designed to support your learning of academic and career skills including communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving, accessing and evaluating information and initiative. You will have opportunities to learn the importance of and practice time management, goal-setting, critical reading strategies and research skills.
Most new Pathways students are expected to take College 1 during the fall. However, courses are offered in spring for new incoming international students, students who need to repeat or non-Pathways students who would like to take the class.
College 1 fulfills the Category E transfer requirement for Cal State University (CSU) and transfers as an elective to the University of California (UC). However, talk to your counselor to find out if your particular school will accept College 1 units for transfer credit.