Topline: Managers Professional Development Survey


The Office of Institutional Effectiveness collaborated with the Office of Professional Development to survey managers about their experience with professional development. All managers received a survey through email, yielding a 32.56% response rate. Most respondents were from Business and Administrative Services (22.22%), Instruction (22.22%), and/or Student Services (22.22%).


Results from the survey will guide and improve future professional development activities. The survey provided insight on professional development needs and interest, logistics (platform, time, day, etc.) and experiences at PCC. Managers had an opportunity to express additional needs, ideas or comments related to professional development.

Professional Development Needs and Interests

In regards to non-instructional program development, managers identified the top 2 needs or interests as: program outcomes (29.27%) and program evaluation (29.27%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Non-Instructional Program Development % of respondents
Program outcomes 29.27%
Program evaluation 29.27%

In regards to curriculum development, managers identified the top 3 needs or interests as: online/hybrid course development (16.33%), student learning outcomes (14.29%), and Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) (14.29%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Curriculum Development % of respondents
Online/hybrid course development 16.33%
Student learning outcomes 14.29%
Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) 14.29%

In regards to diversity, equity and inclusion, managers identified the top 3 needs or interests as: culturally-responsive/affirming practices (19.23%), equity gaps (identifying and making sense of them) (15.38%), and implicit bias (identifying and mitigating it) (14.10%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion % of respondents
Culturally-responsive/affirming practices 19.23%
Equity gaps (identifying and making sense of them) 15.38%
Implicit bias (identifying and mitigating it) 14.10%

In regards to student services, managers identified the top 3 needs or interests as: outreach and recruitment (13.33%), academic counseling (7.62%) and basic needs (e.g. Lancer Food Pantry) (7.62%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Student Services % of respondents
Outreach and Recruitment 13.33%
Academic Counseling 7.62%
Basic Needs (e.g. Lancer Food Pantry) 7.62%

In regards to other aspects supporting student success, managers identified the top 3 needs or interests as: career communities and career exploration (22.39%), completion and transfer (19.40%) and guided pathways (17.91%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Other Aspects Supporting Student Success % of respondents
Career communities and career exploration 22.39%
Completion and transfer 19.40%
Guided pathways 17.91%

In regards to general technologies, managers identified the top 3 needs or interests as: accessibility of documents, forms, web sites, Canvas pages, etc. (31.03%), social media for work purposes (25.86%), and audio/video editing and closed captioning (13.79%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to General Technologies % of respondents
Accessibility of documents, forms, web sites, Canvas pages, etc. 31.03%
Social media for work purposes 25.86%
Audio/video editing and closed captioning 13.79%

In regards to specific software applications used for academic and/or administrative tasks, managers identified the top 5 needs or interests as: Banner (requisitions, budget tracking, etc.) (16.67%), Chrome River (14.44%), 25Live (8.89%), NeoEd (8.89%), and Canvas (7.78%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Specific Software Applications used for Academic and/or Administrative Tasks % of respondents
Banner (requisitions, budget tracking, etc.) 16.67%
Chrome River 14.44%
25Live 8.89%
NeoEd 8.89%
Canvas 7.78%

In regards to leadership and management at PCC, managers identified the top 4 needs or interests as: performance evaluation (all aspects) (14.13%), budget management (10.87%), Brown Act (8.70%), and grant writing (8.70%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Leadership and Management at PCC % of respondents
Performance evaluation (all aspects) 14.13%
Budget management 10.87%
Brown Act 8.70%
Union contracts at PCC 8.70%

In regards to health & safety, managers identified the top 3 needs or interests as: first aid and CPR (20.29%), active shooter training (18.84%), and mental health support for PCC employees (17.39%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Health & Safety % of respondents
First aid and CPR 20.29%
Active shooter training 18.84%
Mental health support for PCC employees 17.39%

In regards to retirement and financial planning, managers identified the top 2 needs or interests as: CalSTRS/CalPRS benefits & rights (41.67%) and retirement planning (25.00%).

Professional Development Needs/Interests Related to Retirement and Financial Planning Need
CalSTRS/CalPRS benefits & rights 41.67%
Retirement planning 25.00%

Logistics: Preferred Platform and Time/Day

Managers preferred in-person professional development activities (61.54%), In-person multi-part workshop/course occurring across a semester or intersession (e.g. a three-part series that occurs on three consecutive Friday mornings) (50.00%), or online synchronous (i.e., guided and with a defined timeline for all participants) (25.00%). In terms of the day and time, managers preferred Friday mornings from 8am-12pm and Monday to Thursday mornings (7am-12pm).

Preferred Professional Development Platforms % of responses
In-person workshop, one or two hours 61.54%
In-person multi-part workshop/course occurring across a semester or intersession (e.g. a three-part series that occurs on three consecutive Friday mornings) 50.00%
Online synchronous (i.e., guided and with a defined timeline for all participants) 25.00%
Preferred Times for Professional Development Activities % of responses
Friday morning (8am-12pm) 63.64%
Monday-Thursday morning (7am-12pm) 43.48%
Monday-Thursday late afternoon (3pm-5pm) 20.00%
Saturday morning (8am-12pm) 20.00%

Participation and Experience with Professional Development

Reasons for not participating in professional development activities % of responses
Dates/times conflicted with my schedule 52.38%
Topics were not relevant/interesting 19.05%
Unaware of offerings 19.05%
Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am interested in participating in professional development. 55.56% 44.44% 0% 0%
I believe professional development can help me improve my professional practice. 59.26% 40.74% 0% 0%
I am satisfied with the professional development offerings at PCC. 14.81% 81.48% 3.70% 0%
Professional development offerings at PCC help me explore new ways to promote equity in my practice. 33.33% 59.26% 7.41% 0%
I am comfortable discussing race-related topics with my colleagues. 29.63% 51.85% 14.81% 3.70%
I am interested in facilitating professional development activities at PCC. 18.52% 48.15% 25.93% 7.41%