In business 3+ years? We’re ready to assist you with operational and strategic planning, managing, and financing growth. 

Our services are offered at no cost throughout the San Gabriel Valley and beyond. The list below contains services we commonly offer to growing businesses in existence for three years or more. Our services are tailored exclusively to your individual needs; if you do not see a specific area of need listed below, please make an appointment to speak with one of our consultants.

Government Contracting


Certifications: SBE, MBE, WBE, VBE

Bids: The SBDC will help define the requirements, due dates, and outcomes of prospective bids as well as evaluate the likeliness of the client attaining the bid.

Federal/Local, State, Private, Utility and Other Opportunities: The SBDC recommends various agencies that have bids to match your firm’s services. Criteria for bid selection are then analyzed in order to determine the client’s business’s probability of a bid award.

Procurement: The SBDC assists the client compile procurement needs for his or her business and/or the business the client wishes to sell products/services. Then, a RFP or RFI can be framed for purchases from and sales to business partners.

Strategic Planning

Process Improvements: The SBDC consults clients on the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control process (DMAIC) and how it applies to the business. Lean identification and measurement tools are identified so the client can map and analyze critically. Clients are shown how data plans will refine defect measurements. The SBDC also analyzes the client’s business results and helps the client develop an action plan to implement and monitor improvements in efficiency.

Succession Planning: The SBDC assists the client with an evaluation of the business, identification of key positions in the organization and potential successors as well as any necessary training and support planning. In addition, the SBDC can help the client pland and develop talent pipelines for the future.

Growth Funding

Loan Packaging: The SBDC collects lender requirements for clients seeking business loans. Preparation of the client’s business financial statements, loan narratives, and other necessities required by lenders for a loan package are completed with the aid of the SBDC. One of the most valuable aspects of this service is the SBDC will shop your loan to our network partners to help you obtain the best terms and rates.

Tax Planning: The SBDC works with the client and his or her needs and objectives to develop a tax strategy that identifies incentives and rebates for the client’s business while complying with regulations. Resources and referral partners are also suggested to the client.