Our program is dedicated to promoting economic growth in our community.

We provide confidential, no-cost, one-on-one business consulting to assist with business startups, growth, loans, marketing, government contracting, technology, and more. We have the resources to help you start, grow or manage your business! We also offer training events and workshops at no cost to help you strengthen your business knowledge and apply it immediately to your business plans. Whether starting a new business or running an existing business, we can help you guide your business to a successful future.

Mission Statement

The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) helps small business owners succeed with no-cost training and one-on-one consulting from experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts. The SBDC has been hosted by Pasadena City College since 2013 and has since assisted area business owners increase their sales, obtain loans, streamline operations, utilize new technologies, expand into new markets, and position themselves for long-term growth.

About the Pasadena City College SBDC Team

Our team is pleased to offer our consulting services in English, Spanish and Mandarin if needed. Please contact us at sbdc@pasadena.edu or 626.585.3105 to schedule your appointment.