Pasadena City College
PCC Home

Aug 17 - Sept 11, 2015

The galleries at Pasadena City College are proud to present the Annual Faculty Show in the Boone Family Gallery. This year’s theme ‘setting forth” is meant to suggest the notion of setting forth a good example. Our faculty in the Visual Arts department aspires to model excellence as educators, practicing artists and human beings.

It is our hope to set a standard that the students can reach toward and hopefully exceed, as each generation is honed and strengthened as time moves forward. “Setting Forth” also suggests the presentation of something set before the eyes of another. Here we are displaying an array of artworks for the viewer. Putting out our best selves, we hope to share our passion for art-making with the broader campus and community at large.

Setting forth can also imply the beginning of an adventure and sailing out into the unknown. The faculty members are sharing their artistic explorations, experimentations, and innovative ideas. Each work evinces the singular voice of a devoted art-maker. Please enjoy the show!

Craig Keith Antrim

Cherie Benner Davis

Rebecca Kelley

Carlos Ramirez

Craig Attebery

David DiMichele

Sandra Low

Silvia Rigon

Stan Baden

Keiko Fukazawa

Maryrose C. Mendoza

Rachel Roske

Kireilyn Barber

Jerrold L. Graves

Robin Mitchell

Amy Sarkisian

Lynne Berman

John T. Hunsucker

Nancy Monk

Mahara T. Sinclaire

Claudia Carballada

Walter W. Impert

Rick Osaka

Nick Taggart

Eamon Conklin

Pamela Jorden

Richard Parker

Mark Takeuchi

Reception: Thursday, September 10, 2015, 12:00 – 1PM

All events are free and open to the public. Visitor parking is available on campus for $2.

This exhibition is made possible by the support of the Pasadena Art Alliance, the PCC Foundation, the Office of the President of PCC and the Division of Visual Arts and Media Studies.
