Pasadena City College
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  • By Police and College Safety
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Thursday, May 28, 2020

An altercation occurred today off campus at Hill Street and Green Street at approximately 12:20 p.m.   During the altercation it was reported that one of the individuals assaulted the other with a knife. The suspect was allegedly seen entering campus via Tennis Hill.  Campus Police notified staff members on campus to shelter in place while a complete search of the campus was conducted by officers.  At approximately 1:45 p.m. today, the suspect was located by Pasadena Police Dept. on Meridith Ave. just south of Colorado Blvd. and was taken into custody.  

There are no outstanding suspects, and there are no additional safety concerns for campus. 

We would like to remind students to be aware of your surroundings at all times, on and off-campus.  Do not engage in unsolicited contact with persons you do not know.  Trust your instinct, if something does not feel right, or you feel unsafe, call for police assistance.

On-Campus – Call Campus Police (626) 585-7484, or from any of the Emergency blue phones located throughout campus.

Off-Campus – Dial 9-1-1
