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Incident: Harassment/Disturbing the Peace

Report #: 2017-00870

Date and Time: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 between 3:15 PM & 4:30 PM

Location: Parking lot 5 level 2 on the main campus of Pasadena City College

Reported Offense: A male subject approached a female who was seated in her vehicle in parking lot 5 level 2. The subject pressed himself against the driver’s side window as he yelled sexual obscenities at the female occupant. The subject made hand gestures of a sexual nature in the direction of the female occupant. The subject prevented the female from moving her vehicle by blocking it with his body as he yelled threats of bodily harm at her. The subject left the area when the female occupant contacted Police by telephone.

Please report any similar incidents to Campus Police at the below listed phone number.


If you are in immediate danger, call Campus Police at (626) 585-7484 or 9-1-1 from any Emergency call box on campus

If you have any information about this crime or were the victim of a similar crime, please call Campus Police at (626) 585-7484

Prepared by: Pasadena City College Campus Police, Approved by: Sgt. Abernathie
