In September of 2016, PCC was required to submit a "Follow-Up Report" that addresses the ACCJC's recommendations from the 2015 External Evaluation Report. As indicated on the ACCJC website, a "Follow-Up Report" has a very specific and narrow purpose:

"A Follow-Up Report is a report requested by the Commission for special purposes. It can occur at any time in the 6-year accreditation cycle. A Follow-Up Report requires that the institution provide information, evidence, and analysis regarding the resolution of the issues to which it was directed by the Commission's Action Letter. The institution's report will be reviewed by the Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting, and the institution will be notified as to what action, if any, it must take next. Each recommendation identified by the Commission in its action letter should be identified and discussed. The report should describe the resolution of each recommendation, analyze the results achieved to date, provide evidence of the results, and indicate what additional plans the institution has developed" (

The Final 2016 Follow-Up Report for Pasadena City College is provided on this page. The final report was approved by Academic Senate on August 29, 2016; Classified Senate and Associated Students on September 7, 2016; Planning and Priorities Standing Committee on September 13, 2016; Management Association on September 20, 2016; and the Board of Trustees on September 21, 2016.

View the final draft of the Follow-Up Report