Reaching new heights.
Pasadena City College is recognized as one of the best community colleges in California. We are embedded in Southern California and every day our faculty, students, and staff go beyond convention to achieve what some might say was unachievable.
Number 1 in the state and 13th in the nation in awarding associate degrees.
Top in California in awarding associate degrees to minorities.
Ranked number one for first-year retention rates amongst community colleges in California.
Second highest transfer rate to a four-year university in the California Community College system.
Makers At Work
![Fab Lab at Pasadena City College](/about/images/makers-1.png)
![Drone building at PCC](/about/images/makers-2.png)
![Laser Cutting at PCC](/about/images/makers-3.png)
![Fab Lab at PCC](/about/images/makers-4.png)
Housed in the campus’ Industrial Technologies Building, Pasadena City College’s Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) supports digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing, and coding technologies – all designed to revolutionize ideas for academic, personal, or entrepreneurial ventures.
Over the summer, PCC Design Technology Pathways students used the FabLab’s 3-D printers to build prototypes for Caltech’s annual Formula E challenge. PCC and its toy racers came away with several awards from the competition, which included undergraduate and graduate teams from several regional universities.
![PCC Raises 1.1 Million Dollars for Scholarships Graphic](/about/images/achievements-million-dollars.png)
PCC Celebrates Student Success
Held in May, the PCC Foundation’s first scholarship fundraising gala, “PCC Celebrates Student Success,” raised net proceeds of nearly $1.1 million for scholarships to PCC students.
The funds will underwrite more than 200 additional scholarships every year, increasing the number of scholarships to 850 and scholarship funds from $650,000 to more than $850,000 for PCC’s students every year.
Celebrating Our Recent Alumni
“When I look back at my time at PCC, they’re some of the fondest years of my academic experience,” Ryan said. “Not only is there a wealth in opportunities and a great supportive system to back you up in your goals, but also anyone who has the drive can have access to these opportunities.”
Ryan Liu — 2015 Valedictorian, now currently studying at Yale University.
“PCC offered me the chance of a lifetime,” Chris said upon graduating. “I owe everything to it.”
Chris Jones — Graduated in 2015 from PCC with an associates degree in Visual Arts. Chris was accepted into the University of Southern California’s Cinema and Media Studies program. While at PCC, he was a two-time recipient of the Osher Visual Arts scholarship.
“I’m glad I have had the
opportunity to work
alongside people who
strive to change the
world for the better,” she said. “Whether it’s through art, music, awareness of a cause, or teaching, we can all make a positive change.”
Mildred (Millie) Correa — An AP student in the Visual Arts and Design Academy at Pasadena High School, Millie realized that her real interest was in graphic communications. She dropped out of VADA and came to PCC, where she saved money before ultimately transferring to a four-year university.
A Year Full of Achievements
Five Years, Five Perfect Placement Records
Since its inception five years ago, Pasadena City College’s anesthesiology technology program has managed to accomplish what only a few academic programs of its kind can boast: a perfect record.
In May, the entire 2015 anesthesiology technology class graduated with a 100 percent pass rate on the end-of-the-course National Certification Exam. Moreover, each student was placed into employment immediately.
PCC is a national model for anesthesia technology education.
PCC recently partnered with seven local school districts to create the Pasadena Academic Career Trust (PACT), a dual-enrollment program that lets students simultaneously earn high school and college credits.
Child Development Center
The Child Development Center was reaccredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children for a five- year term and received outstanding marks for its efforts at providing a high-quality early childhood program to the community.
Grant Supports Second-Year Success
PCC awarded grant for $2.6 Million.
PCC plans to leverage the funds to further develop the highly successful PCC Pathways Program and its Second-Year Pathway component, which was piloted last year with 450 students. This year, 750 students are enrolled.
For Foster Youth, a Stronger Helping Hand
State grant dedicates funding to build out student support services for current and former foster youth.
We're here to provide educational equity and close achievement gaps — this is the largest gap.
Nursing Best in Practice.
The PCC Registered Nursing Program was defined as an example of Best Practices in Nursing Education. As a result, the California Board of Registered Nursing Education Subcommittee will distribute PCC curriculum addressing National Patient Safety Goals to all Pre-licensure Registered Nursing programs in the state.
$330K in Scholarships
PCC’s TRIO pre-college programs will be awarding scholarships in the amount of $330,000, thanks to a two-year grant it received from the Los Angeles Scholars Investment Fund.
A Jaw-Dropping Win
Historians can etch Alison Bjorkedal’s name next to the talented musicians who have taken home the music industry’s most hallowed prize.
We have wonderful instructors throughout the school in all our fields, but it is wonderful when one is recognized in such a prominent way.
Bjorkedal, an adjunct instructor at Pasadena City College, and her ensemble Partch won a Grammy Award for their album Plectra & Percussion Dances in the classical compendium category.
A Green Landmark on Campus
Completed in 2012 using Measure P funds, PCC’s Center for the Arts building has become a model for sustainable educational architecture. The building is a hub of activity at all hours of the day, with music students practicing scales and art majors creating new works in spaces designed to bring out their creativity. Students and faculty take advantage of the building’s open, airy design, which ensures that offices, rehearsal rooms, art studios and performance spaces are never too far from a window or a skylight. In November, it was honored with an American Architecture Award, one of the most prestigious building awards for new and cutting- edge design in the U.S.
The building recently received LEED Gold status, which represents a high level of quality and achievement in green building. Here are some of the ways the building enhances PCC’s sustainability profile.
![Lighting controlled icon](/about/images/achievements-grass-5.png)
100% of all regularly occupied rooms have individual lighting controls, allowing for increased productivity and comfort for students and staff.
![Water icon](/about/images/achievements-grass-4.png)
166,511 gallons saved on water annually, thanks to high-efficiency plumbing fixtures
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41% of building materials used to construct the Center for the Arts is recycled content
![Energy icon](/about/images/achievements-grass-2.png)
$54,415 in electricity savings every year with upgrades in exterior lighting, cooling, and water heating