The Superintendent/President is the chief executive officer of the District and reports to a seven-member, elected Board of Trustees (the “Board”). The Superintendent/President is the District’s administrative leader and is responsible for overseeing the entire District’s operations. Ongoing responsibilities include planning, budget, supervision of academic programs, administrative services and student services, and the evaluation and oversight of key administrative personnel to make certain the institution is meeting the educational needs of the diverse and evolving student body and community.

PCC seeks a Superintendent/President with the qualifications, the demonstrated culturally competent professional skills and abilities, integrity, and the personal qualities that, in effective combination, will enable him or her to lead the College in successfully addressing its challenges and pursuing the opportunities outlined above.

Minimum Qualifications: Education and Experience

  • A master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution;
  • Five years of senior administrative/leadership experience in progressively more responsible positions with a strong record of achievement; and
  • Demonstrated understanding and experience in the application of equity in all its forms; sensitivity to the academic, socioeconomic, cultural, ethnic, and activity-limited diversity of community college students, employees, and residents of the communities served by the District.

Preferred Qualifications

  • A doctorate degree (or the equivalent) from a regionally accredited institution;
  • Senior administrative/leadership experience in a higher education institution with an ethnically and racially diverse student body;
  • Teaching and/or student services experience in a higher education institution;
  • Experience working with a Board of Trustees or the equivalent.

Demonstrated Skills and Abilities

  • In philosophy and experience, is guided by a clear understanding and deep commitment to the mission of the community college, particularly as it fits within California higher education;
  • Maintains an energetic and consistent focus on the needs and success of students and the communities from which they come;
  • Exhibits a deep commitment to collegial consultation and the ability to effectively use a collaborative leadership style with all constituent groups to make appropriate decisions and get things done; understands the philosophy and practices that are the foundations of AB 1725; is an exceptional team player and team leader;
  • Leads with attention to continuous improvement of institutional effectiveness that is grounded in: clear vision, effective planning and budget prioritization, on-going assessment of student learning and other institutional outcomes, and motivation of people to perform and their best;
  • Is a strategic thinker and transformational leader; is an effective change agent, yet values the positive contribution of stability and tradition; is a creative and reasoned risk-taker; is action- and results-oriented, responding to situations in a timely manner;
  • Is successful in establishing effective organizational structures, attracting qualified individuals to leadership positions, and supporting them in their work, without micromanagement and with opportunities for continuing professional development;
  • Is a skillful communicator in all forms and settings; speaks effectively and listens carefully; takes multiple perspectives into consideration; communicates decisions clearly, broadly and persuasively; has the ability to say “no” under difficult circumstances and cultivate support for such a position;
  • Demonstrates business acumen in planning, budgeting, assessing progress and managing change; effectively manages internal and external resources (fiscal, physical and human); understands the increasing role of technology in support of the learning environment, providing support services and managing resources;
  • Understands the California community college legal and regulatory environments, including collective bargaining and institutional accreditation; has relevant experience related to achieving successful outcomes associated with those environments;
  • Exhibits skills and has successful experience in cultivating and maintaining external relationships, such as advocacy for and community support of the College/District, external resource development through an institutional foundation and pursuit of grant funding, and functional partnerships in the community;
  • Interacts effectively with people of different cultures to provide effective educational services and programs that address the social, linguistic and diverse needs of students, employees and the communities the District serves;

Personal Qualities

  • Exhibits a natural, friendly and open relationship with people, leading to accessibility, transparency, and trust;
  • Exhibits personal/professional ethics and integrity in all behavior and relationships; expects accountability in oneself and from others;
  • Has a high respect for the work of faculty, staff and administration and the value that each bring to the effectiveness and improvement of the institution and the success of students; invests in the future of human resources by supporting multiple avenues for professional development;
  • Possesses an authentic love for students, accompanied by the desire to be a visible presence on the campus and a supporter of student-centered programs; values the perspective of students in pursuing institutional effectiveness and change;
  • Gauges political situations effectively and possesses the emotional intelligence to relate effectively with individuals from all constituent groups; good judge of people, their motivations and behavior
  • Possesses cultural competence and embraces equity in a true and unshakable belief in the values of diversity of all sorts, both for the principles of fairness and for the resulting improvement to the District and the communities it serves;
  • Feels a genuine and long-term commitment to the College/District and to achieving the goals of its Strategic Master Plan.