In Loving Memory of Dr. Carol Brown

Carol Brown

Our hearts are heavy as our campus community mourns the loss of beloved PCC employee Dr. Carol Brown.

Dr. Brown was an employee at PCC for nearly 15 years, and worked in many different areas of the college. She worked in Financial Aid, Former Foster Youth Services, Dreamkeepers Emergency Aid, Emergency Aid, Student Life, EOP&S/CARE and most recently she served as the co-coordinator of PCC’s Black STEM Program which provides opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to our Black and African-American students through coaching and internships.

Additionally, she had also worked on creating a homeless student shelter for PCC students with a local charter high school and established a fundraiser which resulted in creating a rainy day shelter for students.

Dr. Brown, you will truly be missed. Rest In Peace.

Honoring Dr. Brown's Memory

Please share a memory or words of love of Dr. Carol Brown. 

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In Honor of Dr. Carol Brown

We are saddened by the news of the tragic death of our sister and friend, Dr. Carol Brown.  Carol was a contributing member of the Black Lancer family at Pasadena City College (PCC).  Dr. Brown was an executive board member with TABE in years past, and worked tirelessly on behalf of students in need.    

In Carol’s 15 years of service at PCC, she held positions in various areas across campus. However, Dr. Brown will best be remembered as a friend and advocate for social justice.  She inspired many students and colleagues to dream big in the area of academics, and was a constant support to those who were thinking of, or had started doctoral studies in higher education.  Dr. Brown could be heard encouraging future doctors to, “Hang in there, doctor. The journey may be long, but it is worth it!”This sentiment was shared with colleagues and students alike.  

Among her many joys, Carol was an avid fisher and loved talking about her adventures on the water.  She was passionate about education and how transformative the academic journey is.  She will be remembered as a loving, kind, warm-hearted warrior for students.   

TABE mourns the loss of this amazing sistah!  Please keep her family and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.   

We love and miss you Dr. Brown! 

- Statement from The Association of Black Employees (TABE)

I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Brown in thinking about how we could bring BlackSTEM into dual enrollment. She was dedicated to this project. But more than that, she was dedicated to supporting and advocating for our Black students. In addition, she was also professional and kind. I didn't know her very well, but I know she will be missed by the PCC community. 

- Isela Ocegueda

Carol was an encourager extraordinaire. I always appreciated her confidence in my handling denials and appeals in Financial Aid during my internship in the office. She did not feel the need to hover over you because she knew that you would be capable in your position because she had prepared and trained you to make good decisions on each case.
I am glad to have had the pleasure of knowing Carol even before PCC, shall we say high school, yikes1 We have lost a true champion for students and friend to many.

- Debra Jo Doxey

This is terrible news about Dr. Brown. My closest PCC Friends and I are grieving her loss. My deepest condolences to her family and friends.

I was a student at PCC when I met Dr. Brown in 2016. I was in a financial struggle and applied for dreamkeepers. The same day she surprised me with a Thanksgiving food bag and soon after I was approved for money assistance. I took a few budgeting workshops she taught shortly after. She also started a food pantry and helped me sign up. I was very interested in her doctor title and she told me about her degree in Organizational Management. I left my work study position in the career center after two years to work in the Office of Student Life. I wanted to be of assistance and learn all I could from her. She was highly organized, hard working, efficient, very sweet, smart, caring, and thoughtful. I saw how many students lives she changed including mine by her dedication to supporting those to succeed in college. She will be missed dearly.

- Ruth Montijo

Dr. Brown/Carol. You were my dear friend and cheerleader. I am at a loss for words at your departure but not at a loss for the intense emotions I feel. I am saddened at the reality of not seeing your smile in this life again but I am grateful knowing that you are among the ancestors. I know that you will continue to look out for me/us. I will never forget the way your friendship and sisterhood made me feel. Your love, support and encouragement will serve as your legacy. Now rest with the ancestors and struggle no more! Till we meet again, Gena. 

- Dr. Gena L Lopez

Dr. Brown, Carol, my dear friend. You were one of my first accomplices here at PCC. Thank you for always supporting me, cheering me on, and standing beside me. I am a much better persxn because of you. You will always be in my heart, and I hope to make the world the way you imagined it! Take care my homie, much love. AEF

- Anthony Francoso

May Dr. Carol Brown's love and endless support live on through us all at PCC, in every interaction with every student, and with one another. Let us carry her heart and encouraging spirit with us so that she will never be forgotten, so that her soul will live on through us and in our community. I know I will always have Dr. Brown within me as I work in solidarity to make our classrooms, and our world, more equitable, caring, empathetic, and supportive. Rest in power, Dr. Brown and her dear brother, Kenny Preston.

- Lindsey Ruiz

Loving. Selfless. Caring.Hardworking. Dedicated. She had so much to give with passion & pride. With such love. Full of heart with a beautiful soul. Always willing to help those in need. Giving to those who would like a chance an opportunity. Encouraging those who are willing to go further. Empowering who she can. My dear Carol was such a blessing to have in my life. To hear & see her laugh, smile, & be emotionally with you. She was such a comfort for me. She was straight up with me. She was always caring & looking out for me. I will always cherish my days with her. The times spent. All the good & bad times. She will always be in my heart. We will miss you in this world Carol. My friend. My Loving. Selfless. Caring.Hardworking. Dedicated. She had so much to give with passion & pride. With such love. Full of heart with a beautiful soul. Always willing to help those in need. Giving to those who would like a chance an opportunity. Encouraging those who are willing to go further. Empowering who she can. My dear Carol was such a blessing to have in my life. To hear & see her laugh, smile, & be emotionally with you. She was such a comfort for me. She was straight up with me. She was always caring & looking out for me. I will always cherish my days with her. The times spent. All the good & bad times. She will always be in my heart. We will miss you in this world Carol. My friend. My confidant. My angel. 

- Grace Pitts

“Beloved Downtown Rev. Dr. Carol Brown” Is how I shall cherish the memories and fellowship shared with Carol Brown as a colleague, confidant, and sista’ friend at the college and in retirement. Carol indeed was a “ Dream Keeper” and “Hope D

- Mrs. Samuel

I loved Dr. Brown. Anytime I was angry and ready to lose my temper, she was always a calming voice. I am so sad! Such an amazing spirit! RIP

- Kristoffer Ealy

To Dr. Carol Brown’s family, I met Carol when I started working at PCC in January 2017. I had been hired to help open the Lancer Pantry – an on campus food bank. Carol was one our first visitors. She wanted to introduce herself and see how we worked so she could bring the students she was helping to our little market. I could see her care and love for the students she brought to our door. Any student that I talked to that knew her had nothing but great things to say about her. I knew immediately that I liked Carol. She was so welcoming to me and so helpful as I tried to find my way through all the bureaucracy of the campus. I was drawn to her as I am sure many were. Her smile brightened my day as I would bump into her in the parking lot and walk in with her. As the pantry grew, we got donations from Panera bread and I learned that she liked raisin bagels. I would make a point to save a bag of four for her when we got them. She was so tickled when I would walk into her cubicle downstairs with this treat. Our friendship grew and I learned about her love of deep-sea fishing. I could see her whole body relax as she would tell me about her trips and how much she loved those times. As time went by, I knew I would like to spend more time out of work with her. I invited her over to our house to have wine and cheese and crackers one evening. My husband joined us on the patio and fell in love with Carol too. What a wonderful time hearing her talk about all that was so important to her. She was so passionate about her students (all students actually) and talked about how to make their lives better. Little by little I started learning about her family. Especially about her brother since both he and my husband were both on dialysis. She worried about him and seemed to be devoted to caring for him. She also talked about her daughter that was a nurse in northern California. She was so proud of her and loved to talk about her lovely daughter and what was happening in her life. One day at work she said, “Let’s go to dinner sometime!” “The Boiling Crab!” We met there and what a tasty feast. We talked for over two hours and had a wonderful evening. She was such an interesting person and the most empathetic one I have met. In the fall of 2019, I had to quit my job at PCC due to my aging parents. They needed a lot of help and I could not give the hours to my work. Carol and I made sure to call each other every once in a while, to keep in touch. Then COVID hit. We talked less frequently but still had fun when we did. During the summer of 2020, I called her and asked if she would like to come over and eat dinner in our front yard? I had been missing her. “Boiling Crab and wine,” I said. “I’m there!” she said. Another wonderful evening. She brought some frozen white fish that she had recently caught on one of her fishing trips. How thoughtful! We talked another couple of times on the phone that fall. I can’t believe I won’t have her in my life any longer. I know you must have a big hole in your lives and in your universe. I am so sorry for your loss. She was one of a kind and the world is less kind, less compassionate, less loving without her in it.

- Our deepest sympathies, Lisa and Scott Nelson 

Dr. Brown was amazing and could never be duplicated. Her legacy will live on through the countless lives she's touched.

Many precious memories of Dr. Carol's engaging and supportive work, a giving spirit and beautiful smile provide warmth and encouragement to our hearts and community.

- Judith Benson

Dr. Brown always greeted us with her beautiful smile. She was motivational and inspirational. I was blessed to have met her while my studies at PCC. She will be missed but always remembered as she left a beautiful mark in our college, our community and our hearts. My deepest condolences to Dr. Browns family. May Dr. Brown Rest In Peace and May her family and friends find strength in this difficult time. 

- Maria Vallarta

May your spirit Rest In Peace and your contribution to the community be forever remembered and honored ! 

The PAAAC is deeply saddened by the news of the tragic passing of Dr. Carol Brown. May her soul Rest In Peace and may our prayers help to guide her soul to our Creator. 

- Dr. Pamela Short Powell & Ms. Delores Hickanbottom

Dr. Carol Brown changed my life. She took me under her wing during my time with the PCC Courier because she believing in my abilities as a journalist, a student and a social justice activist. She was someone I could confide in, laugh with and look up to. My heart is shattered today. Carol, thank you for uplifting me, encouraging me and believing in me. I love you and will miss you forever. 

- Amber Lipsey

Although I did not personally know Dr. Brown, I feel her presence and warmth through all of the heartfelt memories and tributes expressed. It's clear that she made a difference in the lives of her students, colleagues and family that she served so selflessly. May you rest in peace Dr. Brown, and while your soul travels to the Infinite, may you be sheltered by angels, just as you sheltered so many through your loving acts. I offer my sincere prayers and condolences to her family and pray they are supported through this sad and difficult time.

- Cheryl Banks-Smith

Good times, my friend. Good times. We shared them all. We travelled to places where no one thought we would/should go. To the mountains so high--full of snow peaked glaciers and sweet smelling pines. To the ocean with the treasures we sought and concurred in its depths. Our memories are full of good times: lots of laughter, reflections on teenage silliness, a good beat, and finally, success! Thank you, Carol Preston-Brown and also thank you to Carol's family for allowing me to share so many good times with her. You are forever in my prayers. 

- Kim Miles

Dr. Carol Brown was authentic, loving and kind. Always putting students first. Whenever I had a student in need, I would take them directly to her knowing that she would not turn them away and that she would not leave any stone unturned to seek help for a student. And she did it all with a loving and warm smile. She will be greatly missed. 

- Armia Walker

I had the honor and the privilege to meet Dr Brown, she was such a kind and sweet lady. She helped me a great deal in a moment of need, and I will be forever grateful for that. She surely made a difference at PCC, and she will be greatly missed. May you rest in Peace Dr. Brown. 

- Luisa Barbara Rubinstein

I met Carol Brown on a cold Monday in February in her office. I had just taken on the role as the Low-Income Student/Rapid Response Senate Committee, though not even that title had been created yet. I have to admit as a new hire, I took this role a little too seriously. I made appointments with several people on and off campus who were working with the unhoused people and people with financial insecurities. Also the previous November, I heard about the Bruin’s Shelter and secretly had a dream of starting a shelter for PCC students. I didn’t know how I was going to do it or who would work with me on it, but everyone said, “You need to meet Carol.” She ran the Dreamkeepers program at that time, which offers emergency funds for students. I remember her inviting me into her office space. It was just a cubicle but the space felt like love. She had food and water to give out to students. She wore a big comfy scarf and had another one draped on the extra chair which she moved and invited me to sit. She had thank-you cards and drawings on her board, positive quotes, a plethora lists and pamphlets of organization that offered services, and pictures of her grown children. I remember the way she sat me down, the way she laughed, the way I felt welcomed. A student came to her office space, and she was just as gracious to him. She answered all his questions and showed him the information he needed. Then we talked about how the new senate committee and Dreamkeepers program could work together. Finally I told her my dream of starting a shelter and she laughed and told me that was her dream too. She has two big computer screens that she turned to and started opening up files that she had compiled from her own research on the matter. We both laughed because there is no greater joy than sharing a wild and crazy dream with another person. We were kindred. Then we made a plan to meet every Wednesday during our lunch breaks to plot and plan together. When I look through my journal of that year I see how fast we moved, how many meetings we set, all the avenues we tried, the connections we made with so many community members and organizations. We were on a mission. We talked on the phone all the time. She told me about her children and her brothers and her deep water fishing trips. I loved her stories, and I could tell she was matriarch of a big loving family. I told her about my boys and my poetry. I remember being at meetings we set up with community members, and we would practically finish each other’s sentences. And then we had a breakthrough and thanks to Fernando Serrano and his connections to Learning Works, we met Mikala Rahn and she also shared our dream and was willing to share her space to make it happen. While we never achieved the full time student shelter of our dreams, we did start a winter shelter for students. We also helped students get emergency funds. There were some major setbacks too, but I watched how Carol kept showing up, staying optimistic, laughing through the hardship, and she kept her eye on the prize, which was always student success and offering meaningful support to those who were struggling. Finally she called me a few months ago and told me about her new big dream to develop and co-coordinate the Black STEM program. And she was was so excited. Carol was a beautiful light in this world, and I am left with so much sadness. I will finish with one last image of Carol. We had created fliers and posters for a website to help students navigate services on and off campus. We met one day to pass them out and to hang them up in different areas of the campus. I had a busy schedule, and I’m generally an impatient person. Anyway, we started going to the different departments on the campus, and there was not one room she walked into where she didn’t know and hug someone, where she didn’t inquire about their life, work and family. She introduced me to all of them telling me all about their wonderful attributes and then telling them mine. What could have taken 30 minutes, took a few hours. She was that kind of person. I can only dream of having such patience and presence. She brought joy and grace everywhere she went. She’s my hero. 

- Emily Fernandez

Give her.O Lord،your mercy

Dr. Brown had such a heart warming spirit and always made me feel welcomed as a student worker at PCC. I am so sad to hear the news of her passing and cannot find the words for this unforeseen incident. Dr. Brown, your light and love will forever be cherished and especially your dedication to student success. Colleagues and friends, please practice self-care and light during this difficulty time. We truly never know what tomorrow brings. In honor of Dr. Brown, I will continue to be resilient and advocate for my students to ensure they reach their goals.

- Desiree Ramirez

Rest in peace dr brown you will be missed you are a angel in heaven

- Aaron douglas gamez

I m pray of the family of Dr.Brown and i don't know her and she in good place in people heart in PCC community. 

- Krystal De Hart Pena-Lora

I remember working with Carol on an article for the Annual Report. We were profiling a graduate who had experienced financial hardship during his time at PCC, and Carol explained how she helped him address a moment of crisis. I was moved by Carol's care and concern for the student, and it was clear to me she embraced our students' lives – their joys and sorrows – as if they were her own. She was truly a caring human being.

- Alex Boekelheide